General Rules

NexusNippon Recognizes that different conventions allow different things. However here are the general rules in regard to behavior and violations that will not be tolerated at this event. 


Alcoholic beverages inside the facility are  not permitted. No individual attending or renting the facility may bring in alcohol, no exceptions. If alcohol is brought into the facility, it will be confiscated, and the individual(s) will be escorted out of the building immediately.



Animals, except for service animals, are prohibited. Service animals are to remain on a leash or stay within voice command; owners are responsible for pets’ actions and cleanup/disposal of waste either inside or outside the facility.


Children and age policies

No children under the age of 14 will be allowed into the convention without the accompany of an adult. Anyone under the age of 16 will not be allowed in the center by themselves without the accompany of someone over the age of 16.


Smoking, vaping, and e-cigs

No smoking or vaping inside the facility. As a facility located inside the city limits, we must abide by the ordinance of the City of Morehead. Additionally, the ordinance states that smoking must be at least 25 feet from the facility. The penalty for breaking the law is punishable by a fine not exceeding fifty dollars.


Glomping and rough housing

Due to the restrictions of the event venue glomping and rough housing will not be permitted.


Age demographic and convention atmosphere

Please recognize that while NexusNippon strives to be a welcoming environment for all its attendees, it is important to us that potential attendee's recogize that NexusNippon Mini-con is not  solely a family friendly event. While we do not allow any uncensored explicit materials on display in the Exhbitor's hall, we do allow sales of such materials. Regarding dress code, we allow all cosplays as long as it is something that covers what would be acceptable at a public swimming pool. We understand not everyone is comfortable with such things and would like to be up front with our policies. We also ask all atteendes, vendors, artist, and staff to function under the 'Cosplay is NOT consent' movement and policy. Thank you.

Waiver of liability


In consideration of being permitted to participate in Nexus Nippon Mini-Con 2025 the participant agrees to the following:

Assumption of Risk:

I acknowledge that I am fully aware of the possible risks and hazards that may occur in the whole duration of the Event. I voluntarily accept all dangers and hazards that could result in physical injury, damages, losses, illness or death due to my participation in this Event.

Fitness to Participate:

By participating in this Event, I confirm that I am physically and medically fit to join any and all activities that are associated with the Event.

Waiver of Liability and Indemnification:

I agree to indemnify and hold harmless Nexus Nippon LLC, its members, and all associated participants of the Event from all legal actions and demands that may occur from conduct or actions. I waive any and all rights to hold the Nexus Nippon LLC, its members, and all associated participants of the Event from liability for any injury, loss of property, or death that I may suffer as a result of my participation in the Event.

Additional Provisions:I understand and comply with the terms and conditions set forth in this document.